Rooms Division Manager – 780-679-2376 ext. 3532
The Hotel Camrose Resort and Casino is located on the south side of Hwy 13 on the east side of the City of Camrose.
3201 48 Avenue
Camrose, AB. T4V 0K9
+1 (780) 679-2376
The Hotel Camrose Resort and Casino is located on the south side of Hwy 13 on the east side of the City of Camrose.
The Casino is on the left side of the property, while the hotel is on the right side.
Upon arrival, we suggest hotel guests temporarily park under the Porte cache marked Hotel & Convention Centre. Walk through the two sliding doors and immediately turn right and continue past the ballroom, salon and offices – you will pass through a set of double doors and arrive at the hotel front desk.
We suggest Casino guests park in the lot to the south/left of the main building for the closest access.
Handicapped Parking is conveniently located across from the Portocache.
With the Camrose Resort Casino Hotel, the entertainment is just steps away, ensuring that you have convenient access to a wide range of exciting activities right at your doorstep.